Wednesday, 29 February 2012

I ♥ Fonts

I LOVE great fonts. So what would be cooler than a hanging a Periodic Table of Typefaces in my home office? Not much. Adding it to my birthday list now... (hint, hint)

Unlike many of the the other over-sized Periodic Table of Elements posters hanging in schools and homes around the world, this particular table lists 100 of the most influential, popular, and notorious typefaces around today.

This table presents the subject matter grouped categorically, by family and classes of typefaces: serif, sans-serif, script, humanist, slab-serif, blackletter, glyphic, display, grotesque, garalde, geometric, realist, didone, and mixed.

The best part is how the table is ranked. It was determined by statistically sorting and combining lists and opinions. Note the absence of Comic Sans, Scriptina, and Papyrus!

A wonderful resource for any graphic designer,  I'll be sure to reference this functional piece of art in my future designs.

Don't Get Caught Searching

Starting March 1, Google's new Web Privacy Policy takes effect. This policy will allow Google to share all of the data it collects about its users, your web visits and searches, between all of its products like Google+ and YouTube.

If you want to avoid that, remember to remove your search history to keep it from being recorded.

This feature is one of the top Google settings that you may already know about if you didn't want any of your sensitive searches being tracked (like location, health, religion, interests, etc.). But maybe it's not one that you don't use regularly, and now is as good a time as any to check your settings to see if your history is paused or not.

How to turn off your Google search history:
1. Log in to Google, if you're not already.
2. Click remove all web history.
3. Click OK.

This will pause the recording of your searches until you enable it again, keeping you safe from prying eyes.

Just don't forget to bookmark the sites that you enjoy visiting, like our blog here and our website so that you find us again!

Design faces

OMG!!. what have you done?  Time to put our design faces on and pin, girls.  Pinterest now has over 10.4 million registered users, over 9 million monthly connected  users via Facebook and 2 million daily Facebook users, according to stat folk. With gorgeous photos, and links to the thousands, Pinterest is becoming an obsession for flocks of ladies. And they’re not afraid to show it, I mean, Like it. Some stats show 97% of Pinterest’s Facebook fans are women. 


Who doesn't want to juice there own oranges?
This little thing spins around on the inside and juices your orange.  Pull him out and drink the juice. What a cool little Design
Check out the video at GizModo

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Sounds so sweet

Who wouldn't want a pair of these little beauties.  There are 7" tall!
Just another cool little design of an already existing product.
Wonder what else we could turn these little fellas into?

Monday, 27 February 2012

Nailed It

In some of the most recent publication numbers, we have seen that Pinterest currently drives more referral traffic than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined.  9% of the top 300 online retailers are offering “Pin it” buttons on their own sites. That’s compared to about 60% who have Facebook Like buttons and 20% who have Google+ buttons. We all know that  Pinterest was a relatively unknown until now.  Pinterest seems like it could drive up revenue for retailers and websites alike.  What SEO based company wouldn't want to add this to there arsenal?

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Website Blog

Just Starting to add the blog to our website
We will continue to post on both sites, so be sure to check them out for yourselves.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Circle Of Life

The SEO circle of Life.

93% of consumers worldwide use search engines to find and access websites.
85% of qualified Internet traffic is driven through search engines, however 75% of search engine users never scroll past the first page of results.

 Is it time that you seek out a professional to generate you a little more business?

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Beatles Tea Infuser

Way to combine my love of the Beatles with my love of tea!

Come check out our new Pages

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Interesting facts. I better make sure my SEO is up to Google standards

Monday, 20 February 2012

Seo Facts

SEO Facts:

1. According to a study, there are 4.9 billion Internet searches per month and 133 million unique searchers.

2. Not every Web Site is search engine friendly. In fact, some of the most fancy, pricey web sites online are invisible to search engines.

3. If a site is not designed right with SEO in mind it will most likely never show up on any search engines first page.

4. Beware of a company that offers SEO services for under $500.00. This will be a sale for them, but a waste of time and more importantly a waste of money for you.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Really, this is all we get out of you Microsoft?  Not the most original design, yet I am still looking forward to the release!
So much for having a long relaxing weekend.  I think I may obsess about building websites, but that's just a crazy thought.  Watch out Calgary Website Design companies, because here I come!  Check out my Twitter Posts and make sure you check out that site of ours! You can't resist!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

What more could you ask from a partner?  Hot twitter mama!
It's time to check out for the week. 
Look at some great new design work at Muse
We will adding the Blog to the site on Monday.  I need a few days break.  Cheers


Well there goes another long and crazy work  week.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  It's a nice long weekend in my neck of the woods.  Check out some of my latest projects at Agenda covers.  Give me some feedback!  cheers!

Friday, 17 February 2012

Twitter US

Join me on Twitter!/MuseDesign_SEO and make sure you add me!
Ask any questions you have about SEO, Web design and I will be glad to help

Site is Up!

The New and improved Muse Design Inc. website is up and running.
Come check out some great new designs